Friday saw me running the Warhammer Fantasy Escalation tournament. This turned out to be very easy as Marty had most everything accounted for ahead of time and I had a top notch staff scoring composition, painting, data entry and wandering for rules & such.
I met (or re-met as it were) Cathy Wappel and spent a significant time just hanging out with her and talking about painting (Cathy has one a golden demon or two in her day). I also saw some of her WIP's models and it was interesting to see her approach to finished minis..
Saturday was a 'loaf' day but in actuality I spent a good chunk of the day painting miniatures. I had bases to finish on the ogres and the occassional random detail. With the help of Caius, we managed to get it all completed. After that, we headed down to the game hall and played some board games with our buddies from Stevens Point the Rodge & the Bear.
Saturday night I was asked to and got to help judge the Rogue Demon entries. This was an excellent opportunity for me to handle and view up close some amazing miniatures. Very inspiring and I found myself wishing I hadn't been dissuaded from entering.
Sunday brought the Adepticon WFB Team Tourney, the event we had been working towards for the last 3-4 months.
We managed to win 2 of our games and lost 1. 3 Great Games were had although they were very rushed.
Got some pics of the Ogres I used in the Adepticon Team Tourney this year to share.
If you are interested in the thought processes leading to our decisions and lots of WIP photos take a look at the articles we wrote to document our progress. ... oAdepticon
We were very pleased when we were told that we swept all 3 Players Choice Categories (Theme, Display and Appearance) by a huge landslide. Something like 72 out of 86 teams voted for us in 1 category. Completely humbling. Thank you to all that voted - my teammate and I create our armies out of the enjoyment of the process. It was a bumpy road for us this year but we managed to get it done (I was painting bases on Saturday @ Adepticon - EEEKS),
There is still quite a bit more work to do to finish these guys up - but they're destined for the shelf for a while. I can always pull em out and do more to em later (Especially the gnoblars - they need some love) but I wanted to get some decent pics to share.