Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rule of the Day - Moving Backwards / Sideways

Rule of the Day 05/11/2011

More rules I've personally been having a tough time remembering.

pg 26
Moving Backwards
Units can not only move forward, they can also move backwards. To represent this, a unit that moves backwards at half rate, i.e. it counts the distance moved as being double what it actually is.

Moving Sideways
To get a body of warriors to move to either flank is no small challenge, especially if you want to maintain a viable fighting formation (as you do). To represent this, a unit that moves sideways moves at half rate, i.e. it counts the distance moved as being double what it actually is.

Units MAY NOT mix forward, backward and/or sideways movement as part of the same move. Remember that units can only wheel when moving forwards.



Ryan said...

Remember that all fractions are rounded up in 8th edition. Thus if you're a 3 or 5 inch movement you can move backwards 2 or 3 inches instead of 1.5 or 2.5.

Can be very big.

Domus said...

Absolutely! I used that one topic already as a rule of the day I thought it was so important.